I'm trying to see if eC's RTTI magic can be used to store a subclass as part of the class_data.
This could be usefull for modular design, plugins, and so on...
This example should add a "My" tab in addition to the existing "Test" tab.
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import "ecere"
class Form1 : Window
text = "Form1";
background = activeBorder;
borderStyle = sizable;
hasMaximize = true;
hasMinimize = true;
hasClose = true;
size = { 640, 320 };
TabControl tabControl
this, background = activeBorder, anchor = { left = 8, top = 4, right = 8, bottom = 8 };
TestTab testTab { this, tabControl = tabControl };
bool OnCreate()
OldLink link;
for(link = class(Integration).derivatives.first; link; link = link.next)
subclass(Integration) integration = link.data;
subclass(IntegrationTab) tabClass = integration.tabClass;
IntegrationTab tab = eInstance_New(tabClass);
incref tab;
tab.master = this;
tab.tabControl = tabControl;
return true;
class TestTab : Tab
text = "Test";
background = activeBorder;
tabCycle = true;
class IntegrationTab : Tab
text = "Class";
background = activeBorder;
tabCycle = true;
class Integration
class_data subclass(IntegrationTab) tabClass;
class_property subclass(IntegrationTab) tabClass
set { class_data(tabClass) = value; }
get { return class_data(tabClass); }
class_data char * tabClassName;
class_property char * tabClassName
set { class_data(tabClassName) = value; }
get { return class_data(tabClassName); }
class MyIntegrationTab : IntegrationTab
text = "My";
class MyIntegration : Integration
// It is important that MyIntegrationTab be defined before setting this class_property.
class_property(tabClass) = class(MyIntegrationTab);
class_property(tabClassName) = "MyIntegrationTab";
Form1 form1 {};