Sam. I was looking to add some changes to the Window class of ecere and while going through code I wanted to try something.
I have updated the file with these new codes:
Code: Select all
opacity = 0.5;
alphaBlend = true;
bool effectGoDown; effectGoDown = true; // CHECK THIS OUT - TRUE/FALSE - different results
Code: Select all
if(effectGoDown == true)
{ opacity += 0.1; } //better effects
{ opacity -= 0.1; }
I think this adds a bit more to the splash screen. To use it as you would like you need to think about next thing. The background color is very important as depending on the color, you will get transparency of different percentages. For example, the white color is opaque even if the opacity is set to 0, but if you set the opacity to 0 and have black for your background you will barely see it.
Oh, and a suggestion for Jerome and Redj, some functions do not have a name that others can understand at the first, it might be better to have a comment line just under the start of function that will tell something like 'used for setting position of window', 'used for moving window'...
O, and ecere is cool
Thank you,