A new Windows installer w/MinGW,
PPA (First fully-working Debian/Ubuntu packages for both 32 and 64 bit),
Internationalization (Chinese, Spanish translations)
0000500: [ecere] Time.ec fixups (jerome)
0000349: [ide] Cannot evaluate _class.name when in v3 and no sym file? Can we with ecereCOM.dll present?
0000546: [ide] Crash upon exit after closing the debugged app's console
0000082: [ide] Implement add entire folder and its contents with proper hierarchy to project
0000437: pre-release 3 of 0.44 is not ready yet (0.44pre3)
0000072: [compiler] Straighten out passing whether passing by address or value any_object / typed_object (jerome)
0000155: [documentor] Temporary patch for a fixed path in Documentor (mothdragon)
0000175: [compiler] String doesn't add * to all pointers (jerome)
0000235: [compiler] eAR needs a quiet switch (redj)
0000281: [compiler] Preprocessor errors such as missing header files cause cryptic error messages (redj)
0000429: pre-release 2 of 0.44 is not ready yet (0.44pre2) (redj)
0000446: [documentor] documentor: ecdoc path reliability (jerome)
0000447: [documentor] documentor: add text: fix weird bugs/hangs/crashes, missing text and garbage text (jerome)
0000006: [ide] Auto-indenting (thexa4)
0000020: [ide] Support post-build actions (redj)
0000076: [ide] Auto-indentation, same indentation as current line when pressing enter if not in free caret mode (thexa4)
0000083: [ide] Project Settings Dialog / Add per configuration "Exclude from build" option to both folders and files (including resources) (redj)
0000410: [compiler] libec will make the IDE crash for missing nullcheck on _class.dataTypeString in pass15.ec line 3815 (redj)
0000480: [compiler] toolchain: makefiles: makefile structure and tools. clean up code in include.mk (redj)
0000563: [compiler] ctrl+a (jerome)
0000649: [compiler] i18n improvements (jerome)
0000149: [ide] Anchor Values revert in Property editor (jerome)
0000167: [ide] Sometimes the IDE Find dialog keeps projects in there (projects there 2x) (redj)
0000168: [ide] When using Default compiler, do not prefix Makefiles with -Default- (redj)
0000169: [ide] Adding a file to a project ( is it multi project specific? ) doesn't regenerate makefile (redj)
0000170: [ide] F10 doesn't build first - should build if not debugging already... (redj)
0000172: [ide] On closing file, take out modified star from project view (redj)
0000226: [ide] Integrated Debugger is broken on Linux in 0.44d2 (jerome)
0000253: [ide] add "null" to EditBox.ec (thexa4)
0000254: [ide] add support for additional web documents to IDE.ec and appropriate file dialogs (redj)
0000267: [ide] Pressing escape to close the Find in files dialog aborts an ongoing search (redj)
0000279: [ide] Bad things happening in the IDE: Property sheet, FileDialog, etc. (jerome)
0000280: [ide] Launching the IDE from an (empty) EPJ association stalls the IDE (redj)
0000299: [ide] Ecere Mesh object does not support per-vertex color (jerome)
0000318: [ide] String shouldn't be a normal Class (jerome)
0000320: [ide] Editor Ctrl Delete (thexa4)
0000392: [ide] Project menu needs shortcuts (thexa4)
0000393: [ide] Select All moves view to the end of the file (thexa4)
0000396: [ide] Major bug in Adding additional include directories (redj)
0000397: [ide] Deleting a line in the middle of additional libraries (jerome)
0000398: [ide] Specifying a library path ( -L ) with C:/ (e.g. C:/OpenSSL) does not work (jerome)
0000407: [ide] unable to compile single file (Ctrl+F7) if obj path contains windows style path separators (redj)
0000409: [ide] build of an added project will crash if you delete it's node (using keyboard) before the end of compilation (redj)
0000412: [ide] 0.43 Installer does not work on Windows 7 (redj)
0000414: [ide] IDE crash during compilation on config file modifed by other IDE (redj)
0000415: [ide] cryptic error message on single file compile if file is excluded from build config (redj)
0000417: [ide] rebuild/relink with config-less project doesn't work (redj)
0000435: [ide] right click build while in debug session: session is ended without confirmation (redj)
0000436: [ide] project settings seriously broken: additional directory not showing bold in compiler/linker tab (jerome)
0000449: [ide] ide: new project: project filename loses extension (jerome)
0000453: [ide] ide: new project: updating of the path with the name and the dialog needs a few fixes (redj)
0000454: [ide] ide: debugger: adding files in project directories: debugger is broken (redj)
0000463: [ide] ide: find in files: IDE Crash in a Find in Files (Happened once out of many!) (redj)
0000464: [ide] ide: project settings: additional include dirs problems (redj)
0000466: [ide] ide: build: Fix up modified and rebuilding behavior (jerome)
0000468: [ide] ide: Path box improvements and browse object dir everywere (jerome)
0000469: [ide] ide: Key state lights not working (jerome)
0000493: [ide] ide: When loading main project fails, don't modify workspace!! (redj)
0000498: [ide] ide: find in files: open files, browse to folder on non eC files (redj)
0000504: [ide] ide: Message box when Ctrl-F7 a file not in project (redj)
0000516: [ide] Scrolling Issues related to Line Numbers (thexa4)
0000517: [ide] Auto Indenting Quirks (thexa4)
0000518: [ide] debugger: Protocol errors on Linix (gdb 7.1-ubuntu) (redj)
0000523: [ide] ide: project settings: Need to make it obvious when a project node is selected (redj)
0000527: [ide] Left overs in project files (Empty arrays) (jerome)
0000529: [ide] Linker settings broken since patch to reselect node in Compiler settings after passing by Linker tab (redj)
0000531: [ide] Adding multiple files at once including a conflicting file name does not give a warning (redj)
0000533: [ide] Adding the Ecere.epj to the workspace on a new project is b0rk3d (redj)
0000541: [ide] not allowed to replace immediately. (jerome)
0000543: [ide] Makefile generation: 'else if' not supported on make < 3.80 (redj)
0000544: [ide] epj2make is broken beyond all recognition (jerome)
0000548: [ide] Crash when playing in Global Settings then Regenerate Makefile (redj)
0000550: [ide] Breakpoint Crash (redj)
0000551: [ide] ide: Migrate GlobalSettings to JSON (jerome)
0000554: [ide] ide: global settings: compilers: remove compiler will crash the ide (redj)
0000555: [ide] ide: cross-compiling: improve Compilers tab in Global Settings and add use wine to run program option (redj)
0000556: [ide] hotKey crashes IDE (jerome)
0000559: [ide] Right click build on added project while in a debug session: Debug menus lose all options (redj)
0000581: [ide] Things go bad when adding same project twice in workspace (jerome)
0000560: [ide] ide: crash while closing many files rapidly (redj)
0000561: [ide] ide (ecere runtime): global settings: failing reload of settings while file is locked by other IDE instance. (redj)
0000577: [ide] Reclicking/drag directory in Global Settings paths list to move, Then reclick to edit (redj)
0000592: [ide] Debugger is badly broken (redj)
0000595: [ide] Editing a font, Turning on 'bold' to true changes 'underline' instead (jerome)
0000622: [ide] SelectorBar insert is broken (redj)
0000656: [ide] Crash in GlobalSettingsDialog / Compilers Tab on second Destroy (jerome)
0000657: [ide] Crash in GlobalSettingsDialog deleting 2 compilers in a row (jerome)
0000664: [ide] Close IDE while project settings is up: boom (jerome)
0000667: [ide] Adding a new file to project, Ctrl-F7 doesn't build (Need to regenerate makefile first) (jerome)
0000673: [ide] Line numbers don't get updated on added/removed lines after the cursor (redj)
0000679: [ide] Linux: Deleting breakpoints from Breakpoints Panel crashes (jerome)
0000680: [ide] Deleting watch value with 'del' requires enter being pressed (jerome)
0000100: [ecere] Bitmap image wont load properly as a resource (Image attached) (jerome)
0000159: [ecere] Build a static version of the SDK to run on 64 bit system (jerome)
0000160: [ecere] PrintString and char * not working (jerome)
0000162: [ecere] Menus stuck on Alt (jerome)
0000190: [ecere] SetData / GetData parameters / return value not straightward (jerome)
0000197: [ecere] Open contacts.ec, open kcmd.ec, close contacts.ec, close kcmd.ec: Freeze (jerome)
0000233: [ecere] GlobalAppSettings.ec: adding a new setting in an existing section will not write the setting in the configuration file (jerome)
0000237: [ecere] Bunch of errors "Error: Redefinition of class XXXXXX" showing up while building the 2nd pass compile tools on Linux (jerome)
0000313: [ecere] On Linux, "Browse Project Folder" doesn't (patch included) (redj)
0000408: [ecere] When a tab controls is already created, adding new tabs to it does not create (show) the tab button for the new tab (redj)
0000420: [ecere] changing the text property of a Tab instance will not update the button in the TabControl (redj)
0000421: [ecere] make _PrintBuf (dataTypes.ec) public and rename it to PrintStdArgsToBuffer (redj)
0000426: [ecere] deps/freetype upgrade, Harfbuzz upgrade, Proper Right to left support (jerome)
0000451: [installer] Test Installer as non-admin (redj)
0000512: [ecere] Native Window Decorations (jerome)
0000521: [ecere] unable to add a new setting value to config file (as ShowLineNumbers doesn't save in IDE) (redj)
0000520: [ecere] Multi line paste in Single line edit box problems and Undo (thexa4)
0000597: [ecere] EditBox Undo Bug (jerome)
0000669: [ecere] ShellOpen use of gnome-open, kde-open, ecere explorer, MIME, etc (redj)
0000565: [ide:buildsystem] implement a way to specify linker options (link flags) (redj)
0000566: [ide:buildsystem] always specify linker option --no-undefined under linux (redj)
0000567: [ide:buildsystem] use fvisibility=hidden compiler option on .ec files only (redj)
0000568: [ide] -c in a library name is confusing the build output parsing in the IDE (redj)
0000569: [ide:buildsystem] distinction between actual library and object file is too simplistic (redj)
0000570: [ide:settings] when you go back to the Global Settings dialog, the selected Compiler is (none) (redj)
0000589: [ide:debugger] debugger stopped without confirmation when trying to build other project configuration (redj)
0000634: [ide:debugger] Endless Loop: Debugger is stuck if not pressing f5 after a Stop (shift-f5) (redj)
0000571: [ide:buildsystem] platform-specific exclusions of folders isn't working (redj)
0000572: [ide:buildsystem] implement support for $(config),$(platform),$(project),$(compiler) in additional dirs (redj)
0000573: [ecere] implement JSON / driver based global settings (redj)
0000574: [ide:buildsystem] implement post-build commands (redj)
0000575: [ide:buildsystem] implement pre-build commands (redj)
0000578: [ide:buildsystem] makefiles must deal with windows command line lenght limitation when calling del/copy/etc (redj)
0000579: [ide:buildsystem] having sameName.c and sameName.cpp is not possible (.ec/.c/.cpp/.cc/.cxx) (name collisions) (redj)
0000582: [ide:buildsystem] makefile variable names are case sensitive and variable names migration (redj)
0000145: [ecere] IDE StackOverflow due to link = SearchModule(subModule.module, name, listOffset, searchPrivate /*false*/); change (jerome)
0000248: [ecere] IDE crashes in a couple spots reproducably (jerome)
0000272: [ide] Opening a file crashed (jerome)
0000416: [ide] project settings dlg: cannot uncheck console/comress in a config if it is checked in the common options (redj)
0000462: [ide] ide: project settings: Excluding a file in Common, reincluding in Platform: File isn't used! (redj)
0000583: [ide:settings] if settings file is not found, default compiler is missing (since JSON settings) (redj)
0000730: [portable] recent file and project open locations as well as recently opened files are not properly handled to be portable (redj)
0000146: [ide] Truncated values for opacity in Property/Form Editor (jerome)
0000173: [ide] Nothing actually modifies Target in epj ? Stuck with old project name ... (jerome)
0000203: [ecere] Check if any repercusions of commenting out fflush here in File::Puts (jerome)
0000438: [buildbot] release 0.44 of Ecere SDK (jerome)
0000339: [ide] Typing right in form editor doesn't make its way to the Text property (jerome)
0000384: [ide] Reorganize Grammar Layout, ensure all destructors are there (type.y, expression.y) (jerome)
0000483: [ecere] runtime: weird visual behavior then crash (ers.ec or window with displayDriver set) (jerome)
0000086: [ide] Resources path does not work when Resources dir is outside project dir (jerome)
0000220: [ide] Freezing IDE - Form Editor with isModal = true (jerome)
143 issues View Issues