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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001247Ecere SDKide:buildsystempublic2022-09-13 18:27
Reporterjerome Assigned To 
PriorityimmediateSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.44.15 
Target Version0.44.16 
Summary0001247: Folder path in .epj project duplicates name
DescriptionFor example, in order to set up a parent folder in project to hold 'extras' from $(ECERE_SDK_SRC)/extras, where files inside can be specified with a short name, the 'extras' part must be duplicated as e.g.,
"Folder" : "$(ECERE_SDK_SRC)/extras/extras"

Currently, this seems to allow to name the folder something different than its actual name, where the last (non-existing) path component is the name e.g.,

"Folder" : "$(ECERE_SDK_SRC)/extras/foo".

However, changing the name before the path in the ProjectView folder property box will immediately lose the path (without a way to revert).
The path need to be changed last for this to work.

All this logic is counter-intuitive.
Perhaps we should have a separate "FolderName" property and use the proper actual path?

And fix the behavior that changing name loses the path.
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-09-13 18:26 jerome New Issue
2022-09-13 18:27 jerome Description Updated