eC - Installation
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You can install the Ecere SDK from the Debian/Ubuntu repositories

Source Code

Clone with Git

git clone


Latest Release (0.44.15 August 4, 2016
Latest Development Snapshot

Installation per Platform

Target Platforms


To install the Ecere SDK from your Debian/Ubuntu package manager, you can run:

sudo apt-get install ecere-sdk

You will get the latest stable release installed on your system.

Daily Builds

If you're adventurous and want to keep a bleeding edge, you can register our Launchpad PPA featuring daily builds with the following command before running the 'install' command.

WARNING: Though this will keep you up to date with the latest improvements and bug fixes, and though we do our best to keep the repository in a working state, it is more likely to suffer from severe bugs.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ecere-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Building the Ecere SDK on Linux/UNIX

We invite you to contribute Ecere packaging for your distribution of choice, or even propose yourself as a maintainer.
We take care of maintaining the Debian packages.

See the source code links in the box in the top-right section of this page for obtaining the source.


You will also need the development packages (headers and linking libraries) for the following dependencies:

Building and Installing

The prefix defaults to /usr. If you wish to install somewhere else, pass e.g. prefix=/usr/local to make.

If you wish to build in one place and install to another directory (e.g. as part of a packaging process), you can use e.g. DESTDIR=/tmp/ecere_package/

Once your dependencies are set up, building and installing Ecere should be as simple as:

sudo make install

You can launch the Ecere IDE with the command ide.

You will find desktop icons and entries under share/.

Removing the need for some dependencies

Should any of these dependencies prove difficult to obtain or install, it is possible to tweak the makefiles to build without them.

A missing UPX will just be ignored.

OpenGL can be disabled with DISABLE_GL=y.

For SQLite/FFI, simply dropping the EDA rules will remove those dependencies.

For EcereAudio, you can specify ECERE_AUDIO=n to build without.

For NCurses, X11 (if OpenGL is disabled as well) and bitmap formats, simply excluding the file from the Makefile should work. (Embedded graphics will no longer work if you disable PNG)

Adding -DECERE_NOTRUETYPE and -DECERE_NOFONTCONFIG to CPPFLAGS should remove the need for FontConfig and FreeType, but you will lose text rendering.

Only zlib is absolutely required by libecere (to support Ecere archives and resources, which could be disabled to build without), and none of them is required to build libecereCOM (the barebone eC runtime library).

Although it is recommended you use the libraries from your distribution, should they be useful to you, you will find versions of zlib, freetype, libungif, libjpeg, libpng, sqlite and libffi in the deps/ folder.

An old version of HarfBuzz is also included in ecere/src and always statically linked as part of Ecere unless you define ECERE_NOTRUETYPE.