eC - Installation
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The Ecere SDK Windows Installer provides you with a complete development environment bundled with MinGW-w64

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Latest Release (0.44.15 August 4, 2016
Latest Development Snapshot

Installation per Platform

Target Platforms

Windows Installer

The Ecere SDK Installer comes bundled with the TDM-GCC edition of MinGW-w64. The installer can be deployed on any 32 or 64 bit Windows systems, and the SDK will be able to produce both 32 and 64 bit binaries.

To install on a Windows Vista/7/8 machine without administrator privileges, simply rename the installer file so that it does not contain the word 'setup' (but you will not be able to install for All Users or in Program Files).

If you would like to run the latest development version, see the detailed Windows instructions below on how to build from source.
The Ecere SDK 0.44.15 Windows installer will install the Ecere SDK and MinGW-w64 together for you.
It will also configure your Compiler Global Settings as well, a step you will have to do yourself if you do not use the installer.

See the source code links in the box on the right for obtaining the source.

On Windows, you need MinGW or MinGW-w64 (only w64 supports 64 bit) to build the Ecere SDK, and applications as well.

You might also want to download or use your own version of MinGW-w64.
We recommend TDM-GCC.

We also recommend this specific version of mingw32-make, things might not work properly with another build.

For a smoother experience, we suggest you use the Ecere installer to install both Ecere and MinGW first, and then rebuild from the source.

Once your compiling environment is set up, you should be able to build the SDK by simply running mingw32-make.

For SSL support (SSLSocket class), you can pass ENABLE_SSL=y after installing OpenSSL on your system (You can obtain it from here ).

To install the SDK in "Program Files\Ecere SDK", simply run mingw32-make install.
On Windows Vista/7 you must do this in an Elevated Command Prompt (Start, cmd, right click cmd.exe icon, Run as administrator), or make install will fail with an error.
Make sure to have previous instances of any Ecere application closed as well.